Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fame ! - of`sorts (Mid table respectability in the Top 100)

For those of us who take an interest in blogging there are several blogs that tend to draw a lot of attention, and in turn help to generate the wider interest in bloggers news, views and comments. These blogs seem to include Guido Fawkes, Recess Monkey and Iain Dale in addition to those I sometimes mention here in Wales, including Peter Black and Leighton Andrews.

Although of a different political colour Iain Dale has developed a reputation that spans the blogging and mainstream media. He has published a guide to blogging and in spite of only joinig the bloggers ranks in recent times how pleasant to find myself named in Labour's top 100.

What this joyful news means for the people of the Arfon constituency we wait to see - but perhaps we are communicating with more people than we realised ! Hello to you all.

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