Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Lib Dem trys to flush out his own leaders !

Well it comes to something when a Lib Dem AM uses his blog to try and flush out the truth from his own leaders about coalition talks. This is what Peter Black wrote :

For our part, the Liberal Democrat Party Leadership privately deny that any talks have been going on in preparation for a coalition, but they seem curiously reluctant to make this declaration in public or to rule out serving in a coalition under a Tory First Minister. Such an announcement would be useful in my view simply because it give a clear indication of the direction of travel of the party.

The smart money must be on Boure, Wyn Jones and German keeping the rainbow afloat (surely a mixed metaphor!) but not wanting to admit it - except for Bourne, sort of hinting about it.


Kerron said...

Of course, even if the Lib Dem leadership says something, it doesn't necessarily make it party policy:


Martin Eaglestone said...

But surely in the small team at the Welsh Assembly they might let each other know if they are talking - or not.

Tory leader in Wales, Nick Bourne, went on tv to tak about it - others look around blankly.