Sunday, January 28, 2007

Blamerbell Briefs has a Big Brother moment - apology please !

Blamerbell briefs has been posting some interestimng thoughts in recent weeks and I have linked several times to points of interest. However it seems to have been struck by a CH4 and S4C moment in this posting ! "Probably because the locals are always nicking stuff!!!"

The Indonesian may have been looked at, but Blamerbell goes for a full bloooded smear against the Cofis (perhaps with tongue in cheek). Anyway an apology may be necesary to help clarify any misunderstanding !


Blamerbell said...

Not a chance.

It's not like I did something really bad like using the word 'Japs' in the Senedd chamber or publishing a picture of a Scotsman's testicles on my blog. I'll leave that to the elected politicians.

Martin Eaglestone said...

The Cofis might feel differently. As Glyn discovered the odd loose words (or picture!) in blogland can have unintended consequences.

Best offer some wrods of repetence before Cofis go on the rampage.

bill hilton said...

Martin, I've just written you a letter in response to the survey that you've been posting out. I'd *like* to email it rather than spend my precious money on a stamp. But I can't find an email address anywhere on the letter. I can email Tony Blair (OK, he won't read it and if it says anything bad I'll be off to Guantanamo) and, indeed, any sitting Labour MP. But I can't email you...

Martin Eaglestone said...

I can be e-mailed via and look forward to receiving any views - good and bad !.

Martin Eaglestone said...

oh and thank you for pointing out a rather stupid ommission from the mailing ! Do we ever live and learn ?